Well…, I also needed some help with today´s prompt so I read, as recommended, Scott´s article: 4 steps to crafting, testing and perfecting your ‘everyday’ elevator pitch. I learned my pitch should answer some or all of the below:

  • What am I excited about?
  • Why am I excited about it?
  • How will it help people? Who does it serve?
  • How does it uniquely tie into my story, passions, talents and/or experience?
  • Why do I care and why should the world care?

Still feeling unsure, I completed the exercise. It went like this:

  1. What am I excited about?

    Redeeming my childhood dream and making it happen. Learning to set concrete goals in life and acting effectively to make things happen. Being more and more present in life and more and more connected to my deepest needs. Connecting with others through sharing my journey of self-discovery and getting to now theirs.

  2. Why am I excited about it?

    I sense life can have so much richness and taste! That brings me the desire to open myself to explore new possibilities in life and participate in the creation of new, beautiful things. The possibility of sharing this view with others, inspiring them to also enrich their lives by opening themselves to exploring new possibilities brings  more meaning and purpose to my life.

  3. How will it help people? Who does it serve?

    By inspiring possibility. Showing people who live with a sense of “I would love to …. but I can´t because…”, that they can also create change, go back to their dearest dreams, make things happen in their lives, become doers, enrich their lives.

  4. Why do I care and why should the world care?

    I believe in a world where change makers are driven by love, not anger. Where more and more people choose to be attentive to their own deepest unmet needs, find creative ways to fulfill them and act upon it. Where people give their best to make the World a better place, not because they have to in order to resolve their anger, but because they´ve enough inner peace and freedom to choose to do so!

Where people give their best to make the World a better place, not because they have to in order to resolve their anger, but because they´ve enough inner peace and freedom to choose to do so!

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